Just dog toys.

Saturday 9: I'm Gonna Put Some Glue 'Round the Christmas Tree (So Santa Will Stick Around All Year) (1954)

1) This week's featured songstress, Peggy King, sings that she'd like to extend the Christmas season all year. How about you? Do you wish the season was longer? Shorter? Or do you think things are fine as they are?

It seems like this one is long but, I am so not focused on it as of yet.

2) She specifically mentions toys. Have you purchased/will you purchase any toys as holiday gifts this year?

Just dog toys.

3) Search for "glue" on The Home Depot's website and you'll get more than 3,000 results. There's heavy-duty adhesives, all-purpose glue, clear epoxy, wood glue, and more. Do you currently have glue in your home? If yes, how many kinds? 

Elmer's and glue gun glue... not that i know where to look for either one lol.

4) What's the last thing you used glue for?

Oh wait, I do have Super Glue that I buy at the Dollar Tree. I use this stuff all the time!

5) This week's featured artist, Peggy King, was a TV staple in the 1950s. With her perpetually upbeat persona, she was known as "Pretty, Perky Peggy King." Do you consider yourself upbeat, aka "perky?"

I kinda hope not.

6) Ms. King got her start singing radio jingles for Hunt's tomato sauce. Prepared tomato sauce, properly stored, can safely be kept in the refrigerator for days. Do you have any leftovers in your refrigerator right now?

I think my husband does.

7) Her biggest movie role was in Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy (1955). Do you watch scary movies and shows all year around? Only at Halloween? Or not at all?

I do not.

8) In 1954, the year this record was released, President Eisenhower dedicated the Marine Corps. Iwo Jima Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery, just outside of Washington DC. If you were to play tourist in our nation's capital, what site would you be certain to visit?

I'd just hop on one of those trolley tours that lets you get on and off the trolley all day long. I like those.

9) Random question: Which of these common household items would you miss most if it suddenly went on the fritz -- your bedside lamp or your hair dryer? 

I guess my hair dryer.


Lori said…
I totally forgot dog toys!!! Yes! I did get my dogs dog toys.
I would want to do a trolley tour too! I want to see everything! Hee hee. Loved your answers! Have a great weekend!

Stacy said…
I'm with you on the perky...please, no.
The Gal Herself said…
The trolley tour sounds like a great idea. Let's go, Harriet. (You know we'd both be all snarky when we approach the residence on Pennsylvania Avenue.)
Kwizgiver said…
I want to join you and The Gal in DC for the Trolley tour! :)
I am Harriet said…
Good gravy we would have a hoot of a time!
I am Harriet said…
My only question is wine or margaritas?

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