I hope not

Did you get one of these official cards in the mail?
Me neither..

We Need a Little Christmas (2006)

1) At the beginning of this recording, Daffy says he hopes all his friends remember his size, style and favorite color. What piece of clothing would you like to add to your wardrobe? 

I big comfy sweatshirt that looks good on.

2) His friends are late for Daffy's holiday soiree. Think about the last get together you attended. Were you early, late or right on time?

Early, 5 minutes, the other gals were both late.

3) It hasn't a snowed a single flurry where Daffy is. Have you had to shovel yet?

I don't shovel. My husband has however

4) Daffy sings that he's looking forward to fruitcake. How about you? Are you a fruitcake fan? 

yeah. no.

5) Daffy is an American Black Duck. Their usual diet doesn't generally include fruitcake. These ducks more commonly dine on seeds, foliage and bugs. What was your most recent meal? 

My daughter brought me nachos for lunch as it was my birthday.

6) The only Christmas card Sam has received so far this year is from her insurance agent. She never sees her agent socially. In fact, she doesn't think she's seen him at all in 2018. Have you received many cards this year? If so, were they from people you feel close to? 

I have from all kinds of folks.

7) When do you start holiday shopping: Christmas Eve, Thanksgiving/Black Friday, Halloween?

This year. Thanksgiving. There is good shopping where my son was which was where I spent my Thanksgiving.

8) Sam was recently driven crazy by kids running through store aisles wearing elf hats with bells. Do you have any apparel that makes noise? 

I hope not

9) This time of year is big for charitable fundraising. Here's your chance to plug a cause or organization that's near and dear to you.

I got so much stuff to bring to Goodwill....


Lori said…
I am so glad you have several people to exchange Christmas cards with! It seems most of the family and friends I have have stopped sending them. So sad.
Happy birthday! I hope your day was great! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend!

The Gal Herself said…
Goodwill does good work. There was a nasty little blurb going around on facebook, claiming that the head of Goodwill -- "Mark Curran" -- makes $2.3 million a year. No one named "Mark Curran" has ever worked for Goodwill. PLUS the actual Goodwill CEO (Jim Gibbons) is legally blind himself, which means they walk it like they talk it. OK, I'll get off my soapbox now. Thank you for this chance to set the record straight. If even one person learns that facebook thing isn't true, it will help.
Stacy said…
For starters, Happy (late) Birthday! Then to continue....I'm surprised you still get lots of cards. It really seems to be dying out with everyone we know. I guess we can blame cell phones and social media. It's a lot easier to keep in touch than it used to be. Goodwill gets a lot of our clothes, too. We spread the wealth between them, the Salvation Army and St. Vincent de Paul since all three are about an equal distance from home.
Diana_CT said…
All my niece and nephews send photo cards of their families. It seems like nobody sends out old fashion Christmas cards anymore.
CountryDew said…
Happy birthday! I am glad you're getting cards. I'm receiving a disappointing number but I guess it is a sign of the times. I will keep sending them out. I like sending them.
Kwizgiver said…
Happy birthday! :)

I would completely freak out with over-excitement if I got a card from the Royals! I love how they look so normal (little George's leg!) (The baby Louis's expression!)
I am Harriet said…
Every year I hear a dumb rumor like that. What is with people?

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