I have had oatmeal though.

Saturday 9: Treat You Better (2016)

This song was chosen because October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Please share this information about The National Domestic Violence Hotline. Let's spread the word that there's help out there.

1) In this song, a young man advises his neighbor to stop wasting her time with a guy who makes her cry. What is something you regret wasting time on? (It doesn't have to be a romance.)

Getting too involved with TV news perhaps. 

2) Much of this video takes place in a very sparely-decorated apartment. Because Shawn Mendes and the girl he’s singing to both appear young, it’s easy to assume they are both in their first apartments. Tell us about the first place you ever rented.

Besides college, my husband and I had a cute little apartment back when we were starting out.

3) It's clear he can hear his neighbors' conversations and arguments through the walls. Are your neighbors quiet? Do you consider yourself a quiet neighbor? 

I got a huge fence to make it appear that way anyway.

4) This song received a lot of attention and airplay because it was used in a Southwest Airline commercial. When you last visited an airport, were you traveling yourself or meeting someone?

Traveling myself. By myself. Yay!

5) This week's artist, Shawn Mendes, was a serious skateboarder during his high school years. Sam has never even set foot on a skateboard. How about you? 

When I was a kid. Before helmets and knee/elbow pads.

6) Shawn is happy eating cold cereal with milk for every meal -- breakfast, lunch and dinner. He prefers cereal with almonds in it. What about you? Do you have a favorite cereal?

Have not had cereal in over 10 years. I have had oatmeal though.

7) He says he started eating cereal beyond breakfast because it's convenient, and it helps him avoid "junk food" when he's in a hurry. Do you often order your food "to go?"

I just make it myself or borrow it from my restaurant to go.

8) In 2016, when this song was popular, a German shorthaired pointer named CJ won Best in Show at the Westminster Dog Show. Is there a dog who holds a special place in your heart?

Dumb question.

9) And this week, we're trying a random fill in the blank: I wish someone would create an app that 

blocking certain texts from my phone.....


The Gal Herself said…
I enjoyed your joy in #4.
Kwizgiver said…
#7--your restaurant is on my bucket list. :)
Diana_CT said…
I didn't know you had a restaurant. My cousin owned a restaurant for 20 years.
Lori said…
your little white baby is adorable! Blocking texts! If it would block group texts, that would be awesome. I hate those things. My husband's family puts me in them and then talks about the stupidest stuff. In the meantime, my phone is going ding, ding, ding, ding, ding...annoying. Great idea! I loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

CountryDew said…
Sometimes being by yourself is the best thing ever.

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