Music. Music Music Music.

Saturday 9: Gotta Travel On (1959)

1) In this song, the Billy Grammer sings that "summer's almost gone, winter's coming on." When you look out your window, do you see any evidence that the seasons are changing?

I see a 'you know what load' of rain..all day long..all weekend long. I've got animals who need relief!

2) He admits he has laid around and played around for too long. Do you consider lazy days to be wasted days?


When you get to a certain age, every day is a blessing and no days are a waste. However, when it comes to other family members, that could be a different story.

3) Billy relaxed by fishing. Tell us about a visit you made to a pier, or a ride you took on a boat, this past year. (Bonus points if you went fishing!)

I walk over a bridge three times a week with my walking buddies.

4) Born in 1925, Mr. Grammer was the eldest of 13 children. He and his wife Ruth were childless. What do you think is the ideal size for a family? 

Certainly not 13 kids.  Good gravy. I seriously think that every kid needs attention and love and well... that may not be so possible when you have to spread your time and money with many others to share.

5) This song was very popular on juke boxes back in 1959. When were you last in a bar or restaurant that had a juke box? Did you play it?

Seriously- do they still have those? I have no idea.

6) In 1959, movie tickets zoomed up in price to $1.00 and Ben Hur was the big blockbuster. What's the last movie you saw in a theater? Do you remember how much the ticket cost?

I think it may have been Dunkirk with my son just before he moved away. It was an Imax theater somewhere around $10-12 probably.

7) Huckleberry Hound was a hit with the younger audience in 1959. What cartoon did you enjoy as a kid? 

Scooby, Flintstones, Jetsons, and Looney Tunes.

8) In 1959, continuing dramas (soap operas) were still broadcast each day on the radio. When you turn on the radio, do you listen for talk, news, or music?

Music. Music Music Music.

9) Random question -- Which competition would you rather judge: The Pillsbury Bake Off, The Miss America Pageant, or Dancing with the Stars?

Definitely, the Pillsbury Bake Off.

Puppy is doing well. She is crazy cute.
She is a diva for attention and she knows it!
My alpha dog is acting kind of like a jerk but, the other dogs are really enjoying her.


The Gal Herself said…
Oh, that puppy's face! Be still my heart!

You know, I completely forgot that I ride over the Chicago River every day/twice a day. Thanks for reminding me about bridges!
Stacy said…
Oh my....I've got a bad case of puppy love. I hate leaving my girl at home now that I'm working full time and she isn't taking it so well, either. I get some pup fix from all the service dogs that visit the nursing home, but there's always a need for more puppy kisses! We're "enjoying" that same load of rain this weekend. The news is full of dire predictions and warnings about flooding since we may see as much as 5 inches. It's a good weekend to stay in and read. Have a great day!
Diana_CT said…
They no longer have "Jukeboxes" with the racks of records and the arm that moves back and forth. Now it jut looks like a tablet with a slot for money or a credit card.
Boyett-Brinkley said…
Hi! Enjoyed your answers but LOVE your puppy!
Lori said…
Oh your puppy is so cute!!! I wish I could just hold her. Enjoy! I loved your answers too! Have a nice weekend!
CountryDew said…
Love the puppy. Smoochable! I suppose I go over bridges but nothing that is a large body of water. I'm not sure creeks count.
A shed load? hehe
#4, I agree. When the twins were small it was hardest but after that, I can still see that the older girls didn't get enough good attention from me. I was insanely busy with just four, let alone 13! Gah!
The new little pup is so adorable. Have a great time enjoying the Lazy Days. lol..

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