Myself. duh.


Cat's in the Cradle (1974) T

 1) This song began as a poem, written by Harry's wife Sandy before the couple even met. Have you ever tried your hand at writing poetry?

Once for a high school writing class. The teacher told me I was basically a hack with no talent (like someone who had to go into teaching the stuff and bullying promising poets rather than making money doing it I suppose). Totally gave me a complex. Can you tell?

2) The lyrics include a reference to "The Man in the Moon." The original Mother Goose rhyme ends: "It's time for the children on earth to think about getting to bed." Do you remember what time your childhood bedtime was?

Like I had one... lol

3) When did you go to bed last night?

Which time? There is a snooze process you see.
I'm over 50.

4) In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson signed the proclamation that made Father's Day a holiday on the third Sunday in June. Can you name all 45 Presidents? (No, you don't have to list them here.)

There are a few or one that I would rather not name so I will recluse myself

5) Since Sam's father is particular about his Cole Haan loafers, her Father's Day present to him is always a DSW gift card. Who on your gift list is especially easy to buy for?

Myself. duh.

6) Sam's father is a voracious reader. So much so that the local librarian knows him on sight and by name. When did you last visit your neighborhood library?

Years ago. Before Amazon and Audible.

7) Back when Sam was in high school, her father gave her driving lessons. Do you consider yourself a good driver?

I haven't had any tickets or anything like that so I guess so.

8) He is a stickler about car maintenance and reminds Sam to check her car's air filter regularly, because a dirty air filter can reduce mileage. Share your own car maintenance tip.

Nag the crud out of your husband when the low tire light comes one.

9) Whenever he fills up the car, Sam's father also stocks up on his favorite candy: LifeSavers. So Sam is celebrating Father's Day by giving everyone a roll. Would you prefer Wild Cherry, Butter Rum, Winter Green or Peppermint?

I use to love butter rum as a kid. However, now that my mouth is full of porcelain, silver and not so much of the ivory,  I have to enjoy sugar free mints.

It's going to be in the mid to high 90's here this weekend. Last weekend we had a storm come through with tornadoes and stuff. The electricity went out and my bedroom cable box hasn't been the same since. How's your weather?


Nonnie said…
I'm sorry to read you had such an unkind teacher. My home ec teacher caused me to forever hate sewing and give it up.
You're so funny! As my husband says, your sarcasm is so unbecoming! 😂 I've had a bunch of tickets, but still consider myself a good driver. It's very hot here, too.
CountryDew said…
Nag the husband. Good tip. Stay cool!
Diana_CT said…
I had a teacher like that who told me that I would never be an engineer. I showed him, I was an electrical engineer for over 4 decades and managed an electronic test department for almost 3 of those decades.
Hahaha! Yes to that Nap! I love my snooze processes too.

Teachers have SO much power over kid's self esteem. They can literally make or break them. No one should have such power.

Oh yes! I don't ride with him that much anymore, but I nag my hubby about bells and whistles. Good one!
Stacy said…
I sympathize. I had a music teacher who pronounced me tone-deaf. She was probably more right than wrong, but still. Who tells a kid that???

Our weather has been amazing, but we're heading into the 90s and ungodly humid tomorrow. Yay, just for you dads!
Bev Sykes said…
"Snooze process." I like that. I live that. I may steal it sometime!
collettakay said…
I hear you about having to nag the hubby! lol :)

The Gal Herself said…
I agree with you -- I am the easiest one for me to buy for, too. And I think you and I deserve more gifts, Harriet.
I am Harriet said…
My mother wouldn't even let me take sewing. I always had to take the cooking classes. Great for the diet.... :)
I am Harriet said…
It's not just a one time nag either CountryDew :)
I am Harriet said…
I love that. Of course, the teacher is probably long gone now.
I am Harriet said…
We never seem to run out of reasons to have to nag too..
I am Harriet said…
It is crazy hot and humid. I put laundry out to dry this morning and it still isn't dry yet (6 pm).
I am Harriet said…
Feel free. Us snoozers need to stick together :)
I am Harriet said…
Yep. 30+ years around these parts.
I am Harriet said…
I would love to buy you a gift gal!

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