I love Milk Chocolate.

My... how names have changed!

Yes, I have been away for a bit. I was traveling and busy with a few other things.
Also, if I do not comment on your post, it could be because Blogger no longer allows me to post a comment on some blogger blogs. Kinda lame I know. So sorry in advance. I do have better luck if you allow nonblogger comments.


Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, a son thanks his mother for helping him grow up strong and confident. Who is the last person you thanked? What did they do for you?

My husband cause he said he would come home a bit early to go to Sam's Club.

2) Who was the last person to thank you for something?

I said comforting and supportive words to a friend whose husband is in a bad cancer thing right now.

3) This is from the Backstreet Boys' album Millennium, recorded and released in 1999. Do you remember where you were and what you were doing when 1999 turned into 2000?

Raising well-adjusted kids, living through the Y2K thang, and getting another year older.

4) This song was written by Backstreet Boy Brian Littrell. Brian voiced himself on an episode of PBS' Arthur. Arthur has been described as an "animated anthropomorphic aardvark" -- which can be difficult to say. Do you easily get tongue tied?

I've been gradually reclaiming my mind, thank goodness.

5) The French word for "mother" is "mère." What other French words do you know?

I took French in hs/college as nobody seemed to take Spanish seriously back then.

6) Mother's Day is a big holiday for card shops. So are birthdays, weddings, and St. Patrick's Day. Hallmark sells greetings for everything from "Congratulations on Your New Job" to "Happy Retirement." Who received the most recent card you bought? 

A friend's birthday last week.

7) Have you put away your winter clothes yet? 

Sadly, most but, not all.

8) Mother Winters used to scold Sam for leaving her dirty dishes in the sink. Sam admits it: as a grown up, she's still a bit of a slob. Do lean toward "neat" or "messy?"

I like to call it organized :)

9) To celebrate Mother's Day, Sam is giving away her mother's favorite: Hershey Bars. Would you prefer classic milk chocolate, dark chocolate or milk chocolate with almonds?

I love Milk Chocolate. Sugar Free Milk Chocolate.

Happy Mother's Day!!



Stacy said…
Hello! It's good to "see" you back. I took French all through school, too. My school offered Spanish, but as you said, it seemed like a waste back then so French it was. Could we have been more wrong? Plus, virtually nothing I have retained of French is even remotely useful.
The Gal Herself said…
HARRIET! YOU'RE BACK! The old gang has been abuzz (esp. Diana). Happy to see you.

Surprised "Michael" isn't on the list. I know soooooooo many Mikes, Michaels, Mickys, etc. Do you think Archie will be a new addition soon?
Diana_CT said…
#8 I call it organized chaos.

Welcome back, I was worried if everything was okay.
Bev Sykes said…
Welcome back. I understand basic French fairly mediocre-ly and I love it, but if I had been smart I would have studied Spanish instead, living in California where it is rare to hear French, but you hear Spanish just about every day.
CountryDew said…
Glad you're back. Blogger has been a little skewed since the Google+ thing went away.

I'm a milk chocolate girl too.
Lori said…
I took French in high school and college as well. It is a beautiful language. I took Spanish too, but only a year. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend!

Kwizgiver said…
Welcome back! :) Although I love following you and your pups on Insta!

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