I'm a 5 over person.

Saturday 9: You Make Me Feel Brand New (1974)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

Welcome to the first Saturday 9 of 2019!

1) As 2019 kicks off, what are your hopes for the brand new year?

The obvious one, the Cubs, and no more snow this winter.
Probably the same as Gal's hopes..

2) Just because an item isn't brand new doesn't mean it isn't valuable. Have you scored any fabulous finds at a second hand store or website? 

I have.

3) This song is sung by The Stylistics, a group from Philadelphia. Have you ever been to Philly?
Yes. They had these amazing pretzels that were sold by the street vendors there.

4) This song was co-written by Thom Bell, a Philadelphia-based musician/producer who was born in Kingston, Jamaica. The average daily temp in Kingston in January is 87ยบ. Do you have plans to get away this winter and go somewhere warm?
Nah. I usually fly north to see my son.

5) The Stylistics took their choreography very seriously. As you can see from the video, they even carefully synchronized their hand movements. Do you use your hands much when you talk?

I do not.

6) The lyrics tell us that the singer is grateful for a friend who will walk with him along a path that "sometimes bends." Looking back on 2018, tell us about a time that life's path took a bend you didn't quite expect.

I had a decent year with my blog.
Was not expecting the extent of that.

7) In 1974, when this song was popular, Chicago's Sears Tower opened and was for years the world's tallest building. Its elevators can carry you to the 103rd floor in approximately a minute. When were you last on an elevator? 

IKEA, aka the Ikeaabyss, with my son.

8) Also in 1974, the 55 mph speed limit was imposed nationwide. When you drive, are you careful to stay within the speed limit? Or do you have a led foot?

I'm a 5 over person.

9) Random question -- It's time to pose for your Saturday 9 yearbook picture. Will you show us your right profile, your left profile, or will you look directly into the camera?

You know, I have been contemplating this difficult question for over 10 years now. What do you suggest? I'd definitely have a puppy or two with me of course.


Lori said…
I am a 5 over person too! I loved your answers! Have a great weekend!

The Gal Herself said…
Oh, how I miss the Cubs! Did you see that darling Anthony Rizzo got married? Fortunately a lot of the players attended and they have social media accounts. It was good to see the teammates looking so happy.
Diana_CT said…
I'm 5 over person on a secondary road and 10 over on a divided highway
Kwizgiver said…
I'm about 5 over, too. And it would be delightful to see your pups in a picture with you!
Bud Fisher said…
I think I know now how you felt as you lost you parents. I lost my mom & best friend, my dad has passed as well. Here's to 2019!
CountryDew said…
How do you actually make money with a blog? Or do you? I assume that is what you're talking about. Because I have google ads on mine but I make about 50 cents a year. :-)
Stacy said…
I hadn't thought about the hot pretzels in Philly. My grandfather loved those so much and taught me to eat mine with mustard on them. Thanks for bringing that memory back. :)
Oh, IKEA.....
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
I am Harriet said…
It's nice to see the Bears coming together. Maybe the Cubs will follow.
I am Harriet said…
10 would make me too nervous.
I am Harriet said…
They are cute but, can also be little devils right now :)
I am Harriet said…
It takes time to get through it all. That is for sure.
I am Harriet said…
Google does not pay well these days.
I am Harriet said…
That's it! Pretzels dipped in mustard. They were so good and cheap too!

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