I wanna get a manicure.
I went hiking with my son last weekend. It was really beautiful where he lives! ..
Saturday 9: "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Theme
This week's song was chosen because this is the last Saturday 9 before Halloween.
1) The Master of Suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, was born in England. Name another pop culture contribution England has made.
Besides Harry Potter, Ab Fab :)
2) This week's song is recognized as the theme to Hitchcock's long-running TV show, but "Funeral March for a Marionnette" is a classic piece written for piano in the late 1870s by Charles Gounod. Do you often listen to classical music?
Have not in years.
3) Janet Leigh's shower scene in Hitchcock's Psycho is considered one of the scariest sequences ever filmed. What's the most frightening movie you've ever seen?
Night of the Living Dead- the original one thank you.
4) Hitchcock admitted that he "never trusted birds," and he took that fear and turned it into the movie, The Birds. Is there a member of the animal kingdom that just gives you "the creeps?"
We had indoor birds (at least my sister did...) when I was a little kid. They scared the bejeezuz out of me. Birds belong outside in my opinion.

5) Halloween will soon be upon us. Will you carve a jack o'lantern this year?
Nah. I wanna get a manicure.
6) What candy will trick or treaters get at your house?
One of those Sam's Club giant mix bags.
7) When you went trick or treating, did you prefer fantasy costumes (like a storybook character) or scary ones (like a monster)?
There was not much of a choice when I was a kid. As long as it came with a crappy plastic face mask and crappy plastic 'costume' that fit over your coat, you wore it.
8) Which candy was your favorite? Which one were you disappointed to find in your trick or treat bag?
I liked M & M's. Once a guy got confused and gave me his pickle instead of the candy.
9) Which do you find scarier -- cemeteries or haunted houses?
Neither really. After raising kids, it's gonna take a bit more than that to scare someone.
Hope you have a fabulous weekend and Halloween :)
That's such a terrific picture of fall color.
We let it fly around the house and I closed my bedroom door and I heard a thud. And there was Pettie lying dead on the floor ;(