Friends on Netflix.

My new pup. She won't be joining us until next month but, isn't she a cutie?

Saturday 9: The Nanny (1993)
1) This week's song is the theme from a sitcom that originally aired from 1993 to 1999. Were you a fan?
When my daughter was growing up she was a huge fan thanks to reruns..thus, I saw plenty of this show.
2) The song tells us that Fran once worked in a bridal shop. Have you ever worked in a retail setting?
Yes in High School
3) The kids in the Sheffield household appreciate their nanny's "joie de vivre," which is defined as "exuberant enjoyment of life." Are you feeling joie de vivre this morning?
Not likely as it's a housework morning.
4) "The Nanny" is the colorful one, the one who wears red when everyone else wears tan. What color do you think you look best in?
I like white, black, and blue. Don't know if any of those are my best colors.
5) The TV show, The Nanny, was the brainchild of actress Fran Drescher. She got the idea while visiting her an old friend in London. Her friend's pre-teen daughter enjoyed having Fran as a confidante and shopping buddy. Do you enjoy shopping as a leisure activity? Or would you prefer to just dash into a store, grab what you need, and get out and go home?
I can't do more than two stores at a time these days. By 'stores' I mean grocery stores- usually Sam's Club + Aldi on the same shopping trip.
6) The friend Fran was visiting in London was Twiggy, who was the world's most famous model in the 1960s. Name another famous model.
7) The Nanny: The Complete Series is available on DVD on Amazon. It consists of 19 discs and takes 55 hours to watch, start to finish. What TV show have you recently binge watched?
Friends on Netflix. While I was never a fan of the show during it's run, it is helpful when trying to get to sleep.
8) The Nanny theme was sung by Liz Callaway. Her father, the late John Callway, was a long-time Chicago newscaster. Have you, or has a loved one, ever been on TV?
I've been interviewed on TV but, who cares right?
9) Random question -- Which of these adjectives comes closest to describing you: sexy, sophisticated or down-to-earth?
Lordy. I'm too old for one of them and I kinda fall between the two others depending on the day.
I gave up on filling out the rescue dogs applications so I broke down and got a puppy from a breeder. If you are not looking for a pitbull, it is virtually impossible to rescue a dog around here. I already own two pitties.
Enjoy your weekend. :)
Dear Lord, Harriet! What do you have me modeling?
FULL DISCLOSURE: I deleted the above comment because, in a fervent plea for attention, my cat Connie walked across the keyboard and posted on my behalf before I was done.
I watch nearly all reruns of network and pbs shows on Netflix but not the nanny. Maybe it’s out there somewhere.....🤞🏻
That bacon thing is a crack up! Only you
I enjoyed your Saturday 9! Great answers! Have a nice weekend.
Wish you'd posted a link to your interview. I bet it was fab!