I choose the fanny option.

Saturday 9: Love Is All Around (1970)

1) This week's song is the theme from The Mary Tyler Moore Show, a sitcom that originally aired from 1970 to 1977. Were you a fan?

Still am... thanks to Hulu

2) The song tells us that Mary Richards can turn the world on with her smile. Yet the real-life Mary Tyler Moore said she was uncomfortable with her "wide mouth." If you could improve on one of your facial features, which would you choose? 

Freaking wrinkles...

3) We also hear that Mary can "take a nothing day and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile." What do you think makes a day "a nothing day?"

Having dogs around helps.

4) Mary works in the newsroom at WJM. Her desk is neat as a pin. Are you neat? Or do you lean to the sloppy side?

I appreciate organization and knowing where my belongings are so that I know where to find them when I need them.

5) Mary's best friend, Rhoda, worked as a window dresser at Hempel's department store. What department store did you most recently shop at? What did you buy?

Well, I went by "Hemple's" a while back. It had eventually become a Macy's which had recently closed. Mary's statue was outside of the store..until of course... when I went looking for it. We managed to walk all over downtown Minneapolis looking for the statue because there was no sign telling people where it had been moved to. Downtown Minneapolis has one big thing to see and those turds hid it from tourists.

I shop on Amazon. I got a new surge protector which should show up on my doorstep by Sunday night.

6) Mary Richards lived in Minneapolis. What city is nearest to where you are right now?


7) Originally the part of Mary Richards was written as a divorcee, but in 1970, there were no TV shows that centered around a divorced woman. Think about the women in your life. Are most of them married, divorced, single or widowed?


8) The MTM production company logo featured a mewing kitten. The cat was found in a Minneapolis shelter, and, after her sequence was shot, she was adopted by a crew member who named her Mimsie. What's the name of the last cat -- or dog or hamster or rabbit -- that you petted?

Cesar Peanut. The dog who stalks follows me around my backyard waiting for me to shoot squeaky tennis balls out of the squeaky tennis ball shooter so that he can chase them and dump them in the middle of the yard.

9) Random question -- Would you rather have a job that kept you seated on your fanny or standing on your feet?

I'm at that varicose vein stage of life. I choose the fanny option.

Had a fabulous weekend with my kids in Minneapolis last weekend. We did and saw lots of fun stuff including spending a couple of hours in what I refer to as the "Ikea-Abyss" (it was raining outside). 

Enjoy your weekend :)


Bev Sykes said…
Yeah. It's hell to get old, isn't it!
Stacy said…
The dogs do help. I'm a fan of Amazon shopping, too. What's not to love about shopping in your jammies with bedhead and then poof, two days later stuff appears at your door. Pittsburgh has an IKEA...I freakin' LOVE that place.
The Gal Herself said…
I had no idea Hempel's was a real place! There was an episode where Rhoda dated Doug Hempel. I wonder how the store felt about that. (Maybe they just loved the publicity.)

I love that: My childhood punishments have become my adult goals.
Diana_CT said…
You made me curious... I googled "Where's Mary statue" and it said it was moved for construction and is now back in the original location.
Nonnie said…
Very interesting there is a statue of Mary in Minneapolis! I shop Amazon, too. And I love your first graphic about your adult goals! So true.
Smellyann said…
Wait, what? I knew it had been a while since I had been able to comment back on the other blogs but as usual, yours was the first one I went to, and I didn't recognize it? I did a triple-take! That's so cute about your dog and the ball shooter! I love it!
Ah yes, those veins.. lol
Aren't dogs fun. They really make modern life more bearable. Well all the small pets do!
I might have to look in to Hulu. I'm tired of the hyper violence that is being dished out at Netflix.
Kwizgiver said…
#9 is a major yes. *sigh* getting older stinks!
I am Harriet said…
I can always find something at Ikea....
I am Harriet said…
It was also a Marshall Fields before it became a Macys.
I am Harriet said…
I know they have moved it a few times in the past year. It was in some tourist part of an indoor mall for a time too I believe.
I am Harriet said…
I switched over from Wordpress to Blogger for this stuff. Mostly to avoid someone who was a bit too 'fanly' for me.
I am Harriet said…
Both have shows I like and shows I despise. It's nice when you can share subscriptions too.
CountryDew said…
Yep, the older I get, the less older I want to be. Which is rather problematic since I don't know how to go back the other way. The older you get the less you want to stand. I think it's a built-in thing.

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