A horse thank you
Saturday 9: Chains (1962)
1) The song is about a woman who is in love with her boyfriend, but still attracted to someone else. Do you believe a woman can be in love with more than one person at a time?
Sure. Even dogs.
2) What about the male of the species? Do you believe a man can be in love with more than one person at a time?
A multitasking male??
Just the cheaters and we all know where they are heading..
3) This lyrics were by Gerry Goffin and the music by Carole King. Carole was a favorite guest of David Letterman's. When she appeared on his show, he often commented on how impressed he was by her firm handshake. She credited her memorable grip to time spent milking goats on her Idaho farm. Have you poured goat milk on your cereal? Eaten goat milk yogurt or cheese?
I know goat stuff is trendy right now but, I just can't.
4) When it first came out, "Chains" was a favorite of 18-year-old George Harrison. It was at his recommendation that the Beatles added it to their early stage shows and even recorded it on their first album. When you were in high school, what was one of your favorite songs?
I was heavily into the Eagles. So, just about anything Eagles.
5) In 1962, when this song was released, epic movies were popular on the big screen. The Longest Day was three hours long, and Lawrence of Arabiaran more than three hours and a half hours. Today's most popular movies are nowhere near that long. Do you think the average American has a shorter attention span today than he did in 1962?
Our attention spans have certainly been challenged in recent days.
6) In 1962, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy went on a two-week goodwill tour of India and Pakistan. She received a ceremonial "welcome necklace" in India. Made without jewels or precious metals -- just beads, sequins and paper -- it was valued by the First Lady for its delicate appearance and craftsmanship, and today it's on display at the John F. Kennedy Library. Tell us about a piece of jewelry that means a great deal to you, and why.
Anything that belonged to my mother or grandmother since most all of that was obtained when cleaning out my mother's belongings.
7) In Pakistan, Mrs. Kennedy made headlines by riding a camel. Have you ever ridden a horse, donkey, camel or elephant?
A horse thank you. This is America.
8) Also in 1962, the New York Newspaper Guild went on strike, so the nation's largest city went 114 days without a single daily paper. In 2018, how do you get your news?
Fake or real? It's like you have to search for any kind of local news these days.
9) Random question -- Complete this sentence: Before I go to sleep, I always ___________________________.
Brush my teeth and take off the glasses.
Finally got an 80 degree day today. However, it should be up in the 90's again next week. Beats cold and snow and ice I suppose.
Catching a break on the heat here, too. Woke up to sunny and 50 degrees this morning so ran around and opened all the windows to let the fresh cool air in.
I also love Eagles songs. Music stopped mattering to me several years ago, when something new came marching in that was, well, mechanical.
It's now over 100 for the umpteen day this summer, and a fire is roaring in the back country.
I do thank God for many things but....Especially for FIRE FIGHTERS! BLESS EM!