Nobody Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Permission!
Saturday 9: Last Night a DJ Saved My Life! (1982)
1) This song is about a girl who is heartbroken about a boy who won't take her calls. Do you screen your calls, deciding to let some go to voicemail? Or do you pick up whenever you possibly can? (We're referring to calls from people you know.)
If I recognize the number I answer. Otherwise, I see what my HiYa App says.
2) When she was feeling her lowest, she heard a song on the radio that lifted her spirits. What's the last thing you heard on the radio?
Weird stuff. I was driving home from the restaurant the other day and the Cubs V The Diamondbacks was on the radio. When I got home it was the Cubs V the White Sox game on the TV.
3) This song includes the sound of squeaky wheels, indicating a sudden stop and perhaps a near-miss. Tell us about your most recent traffic mishap.
That sounds like Starsky and Hutch- doesn't it?
Knock on wood.. I have not had a mishap in a long time. There is some road construction on my street that is better than the dang pot holes that are being fixed.
4) "Last Night a DJ Saved My Life!" is featured in the 2002 video game, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Do you spend much time on video games?
Nope. When my kids were young I would sometimes take on a character just to play with them. Needless to say, that could be about the last time that I had a traffic mishap. lol
5) This week's featured artist, Indeep, was a trio. We've had many groups, some duos and tons of solo artists on Saturday 9, but not many trios. Can you name another popular trio?
Larry, Curly and Moe? I know. The damn Three Stooges Reference again.
6) The last time Indeep performed together was in 1997, at a New Year's Eve show in Paris for French TV. Have you celebrated a holiday in another land?
I did attend the Queen's Jubilee many years ago.
I did attend the Queen's Jubilee many years ago.
On a sidetrack... I heard that Megan's dress cost her $350k. Thank goodness my daughter is marrying a commoner!!!!
7) Britain's Royal Family is in the news this weekend, with attention centered on the nuptials. The Royals made news in 1982, as well. When this song was popular, Michael Fagan gained momentary fame by breaking into Buckingham Palace. He found The Royal Bedroom, where he came face-to-face with the Queen. He reports that Queen Elizabeth sleeps in a nightie that "reached down to her knees." What did you wear to bed last night?
7) Britain's Royal Family is in the news this weekend, with attention centered on the nuptials. The Royals made news in 1982, as well. When this song was popular, Michael Fagan gained momentary fame by breaking into Buckingham Palace. He found The Royal Bedroom, where he came face-to-face with the Queen. He reports that Queen Elizabeth sleeps in a nightie that "reached down to her knees." What did you wear to bed last night?
Why do I not know who these people are???
I wore a tank top. And two large black guys-- with tails of course. Bed hogs at that.
8) In 1982, you could buy a loaf of white bread for 50¢. Today, the national average price for that loaf of bread is more than $2.50. When you go grocery shopping, do you comparison shop and make purchases at more than one store? Or do you prefer one-stop shopping?
I use to go to the Wonderbread outlet back then on the way home from work. I would get loaves of bread for a quarter and give them away to people.
We really just go to 2 stores these days on a weekly basis. Sam's Club has stuff for the restaurant and a few things for the home. Then we go across the street to Aldi and get the other stuff- bread, veggies, fruit, milk under $1/gal, etc. HOWEVER... I was buying garden stuff at Walmart last week when I hit the freezer section and loaded up on Halo Ice Cream. OMG!
9) Random question: What's the first famous quote that comes to your mind?
Just about anything from Eleanor Roosevelt. My fav- Nobody Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Permission!
I've noticed that I have not been visited by my stalker since moving over to Blogger. So, I guess that I will be here for a while.
Today I had lunch with a few friends who have kids getting married before my daughter this year. I came home and ordered some wedding advice books since apparently I am behind schedule. This is going to cost some money....
By the way, how much do you spend on a wedding present these days? I need to send something for a wedding next week.
Also, I'll be in Minnesota with my son next weekend. Hopefully I will remember to S-9. If I forget then you know why.
Thanks Gal! <3
Toodles :)