About a trillion times
Saturday 9: Nights on Broadway (1975)
1) It's estimated that there are more than 200 separate streets called "Broadway" in the United States. Does your town have a Broadway?
Sometimes I am in shock that my town even has cable. That would be a no.
2) Think of the last time you celebrated well into the night. What street were you on?
Dude- that was like last century for me. At least. Like I could even know that or want to know that.
3) The Bee Gees blame it all on those songs that go straight to the heart. What love song always makes you go, "aw ...?"
I don't even know anymore.
4) Even though their sound depended on tight harmonies, all three Bee Gees were heavy smokers, which is not good for the throat. What habit do you have that wish you could break?
They could be why so many of them died at a young age.
5) In addition to the three Gibbs who sang this song, there was a fourth brother, Andy, who also had hit records. But did you know the Gibbs' had a sister, Lesley? Your turn: share some trivia that's rattling around in your head.
" The Three Stooges appeared in 220 films through their career.
They were:
Moe Howard
Shemp Howard
Larry Fine
Curly Howard
Joe Besser
Joe DeRita
Although, I don't see Curly Joe Mentioned. When Curly Howard left and came back after Shemp his name was spelled "Curley". Who cares right?
6) "Nights on Broadway" was recorded in Miami. When you think of Florida, what comes to mind?
My parent's permanent location
7) In 1975, when this song was popular, Sony introduced the Betamax and JVC gave us the VCR. Sam admits she was glad to see VCRs go because she never could program hers. What about you? Do you adapt easily to new technology?
For an old lady I think I do.
8) The Bee Gees' greatest success came two years later, in 1977, with the soundtrack to Saturday Night Fever. Have you ever seen the John Travolta movie?
About a trillion times. That sequel was not as good however.
9) Random question -- Your mail carrier is very attractive, and flirts with you each day when dropping off the mail. Would you a) ignore it or b) let the carrier know, firmly but politely, that you're not interested or c) complain to your local post office or d) subscribe to more magazines and order more stuff to guarantee that the mail carrier comes every day?
My carrier tries to ignore my house as he constantly gets harassed by dogs. He knows to not ring the doorbell.
I worked my butt off in the restaurant all week and now I am so tired. Good thing it is suppose to snow this weekend................
6) "Nights on Broadway" was recorded in Miami. When you think of Florida, what comes to mind?
My parent's permanent location
7) In 1975, when this song was popular, Sony introduced the Betamax and JVC gave us the VCR. Sam admits she was glad to see VCRs go because she never could program hers. What about you? Do you adapt easily to new technology?
For an old lady I think I do.
8) The Bee Gees' greatest success came two years later, in 1977, with the soundtrack to Saturday Night Fever. Have you ever seen the John Travolta movie?
About a trillion times. That sequel was not as good however.
9) Random question -- Your mail carrier is very attractive, and flirts with you each day when dropping off the mail. Would you a) ignore it or b) let the carrier know, firmly but politely, that you're not interested or c) complain to your local post office or d) subscribe to more magazines and order more stuff to guarantee that the mail carrier comes every day?
My carrier tries to ignore my house as he constantly gets harassed by dogs. He knows to not ring the doorbell.
I worked my butt off in the restaurant all week and now I am so tired. Good thing it is suppose to snow this weekend................
Hard to believe we couldn't make it work, huh?
Your Stooge trivia reminded me about an article I read the other day. It seems Paul Shannon, the host of a Pittsburgh children's show, is responsible for the Stooges' popularity. The movie studios were done with "shorts" like the Stooges produced and had fired the Stooges. They wouldn't even let Moe back on the lot to say goodbye and gather up his things. Shannon thought the shorts would be great on the kids' show and was able to get them for a song. They were such a huge hit that similar shows all across the country took notice and began showing them. The result was that the Stooges were more popular than they'd ever been. Their last movie (sorry the name of it escapes me...it was a western) features several of the children's show hosts in rolls as the outlaws. Paul Shannon played Wild Bill Hickok.