On and On
So, I am here again even though my regular site is okay right now.
On and On (1977)
Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.
1) This song describes the plight of "poor ol' Jimmy," who caught his girlfriend kissing someone else. Have you ever spied on a romantic partner?
----------no. I remember plenty of guys driving past my house when I was in high school though
2) In this song, Stephen Bishop sings that he "smiles when he feels like dying." When did you recently put on a happy face, even though you really weren't all that happy?
-------------Having to make extra stops when on a quick trip to the store with my husband.
3) Stephen Bishop always wanted to be a musician, and as a child he began playing the clarinet. Did you take lessons -- dance, art, music -- as a child? If yes, did you take them because you enjoyed them, or because your parents made you take them?
----------I was one of the tortured kids.
4) When he was 12, inspired by The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show, he switched to the guitar and began writing songs. Tell us about someone or something that influenced your career path.
-----Gosh, having some money helped me want to buy a restaurant.
5) Stephen Bishop attended Will C. Crawford High School in San Diego. This school requires students complete 20 hours of community service every year. Tell us about an organization, cause or campaign you volunteered for, either as a student or an adult.
------------ I use to head up the fundraising for PTA's and Band Boosters.
6) In 1977, when this song was popular, Seattle Slew won racing's Triple Crown. Sam's mother has always been afraid of horses. Is there an animal you're uncomfortable with?
--------------Indoor birds. Outdoor ones are okay. I even feed those.
7) Also in 1977, moviegoers waited in line for hours to see Star Wars. What's the longest line you waited in recently?
---Probably some TSA line. Denver had a nasty one.
8) The mini-series Roots first aired in 1977. Today Americans are spending more time and money than ever to research ancestry. How far back can you trace your family tree?
---I found a loose gathering of one among my mother's things after she died. I fell out of her Bible when I unpacked it in my home. Now I wonder why that happened?
9) Random question: It's often said that nobody's perfect. How about you? What quality keeps you from being perfect?
----I thought that we were all perfect? We show up every Saturday? Some even remember to show on Sundays. WTH???
-I wanted to let you know that I will be visiting my son next week in Minnesota and that I may not be able to join you all. I am on Blogger today for a reason that has nothing to do with my wordpress site. There is someone who frequents my regular site who has 'over-fanned' (stalker?) me in the past and I need not let that person know my business.
Also, the weirdest thing happened with my dog. Remember last week when I mentioned that she was on death's door? She was not doing well. She had not eaten in days and had a stroke etc. I had to keep her alive and out of pain as best that I could. Evidently, someone(s) prayers worked because two days ago she jumped up and wanted to go out and play. She's been eating like a pig and even barking at stuff. So, thank you for those prayers!!!
And have fun on your getaway.. The weather should be better!
I only did about five of those things on the sign which is a hilarious sign btw.
You poor tortured gal! heehee..
Just think of all the students and teachers you helped with those fundraisers!
I had to laugh about indoor birds. It seems like every time I go to Home Depot and down aisle with the bird feed I get buzzed by birds trapped in side Home Depot.
So glad your pup is responding to our positive vibes. :)